Content Samples from a Real Client

Jacky helps middle managers and executives who are suffering from burnout.  While many people have heard of the term “burnout,” they don’t necessarily understand what a dramatic difference there is between the stresses of daily living and what happens when you actually get into burnout.

With this in mind, we focused our interview strategy on educating people about how burnout happens, how to know if you have it, and what you need to do to get over it. This positions Jacky as an expert on the topic and shows her depth of knowledge.  She’s got a lot of experience in this area, and she should be the go-to resource for people who need this problem solved.

We used those interviews to develop the following monthly content:

  • Blog prompts made from the interview transcript
  • Four short form videos
  • Four audiograms
  • Twelve social media image posts

Jacky has a more consistent content presence on multiple social platforms, and she’s getting lead generation from the traffic that content is creating.

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