If You‘re not Repurposing Your Existing Content, You’re Hurting Your Business

Extend your brand, attract new followers, and get more leads for pennies on the dollar compared to traditional advertising.

Do You Have Any of the Following Content?

  • Video of yourself presenting at a conference?

  • Recording of yourself on a podcast?

  • Recorded webinar?

  • Ebook or Hardcopy Book?

Why Repurpose Your Existing Content?

  • You save time.

    By going back to a piece of pillar content, you’re skipping the whole first part of the creative process where you try to think of what to communicate and how to best communicate it.

  • Extend Your Brand

    What you originally created for one audience, you can now re-broadcast in multiple formats to reach people on multiple platforms.

  • The content itself is richer, more valuable.

    You were more prepared and focused for the first piece of content.  It comes through in the repurposing as superior content.